
The Silent Ripple is led and facilitated by Maia Francis and Nanda Veldink, with activations, guidance and the broader context of the information provided coming via our collective guides, ‘Steven’.

Steven is an energy who define themselves as a “Collective Cosmic Consciousness”.  This means, that they are not a single energy or being, but an amalgam of energies.  You do not need to believe or accept this reality in order to benefit from the knowledge and wisdom that comes through, but you will not benefit from their sharings if you hold a strong position of scepticism.

These guides have made contact with us at this time to support the human collective as we make the shift from a lower state of consciousness into higher, more elevated states. Their dominant focus is on empowering us by reminding us that we have control over our own reality through the choices we make, the perspectives we take and the vibrations we cultivate. They want us to know, feel and remember that we are inherently powerful beings and can change our reality as we desire.

Your Facilitators

Maia Francis

Maia is a practical and grounded energy worker who has worked within the field of corporate change for several decades. 

She now facilitates frequency attunements and energetic expansion for her clients. For the past five years she has been working with a cosmic consciousness collective bringing through attunements and activations and creating a bridge for those who are ready to work with the New Earth energetics of the shifting consciousness. 

Maia has facilitated retreats in Egypt, Greece and Portugal. She also hosts online workshops and programmes for a client base from across the globe.

Nanda Veldink

Nanda is a Senior Partner at a Global Executive Search firm who acts as a conduit to connect with progressive senior executives from around the world. 

It is clear to her that with the rise of human consciousness globally there is a need to look at new structures across a number of institutionalised expressions, including from within the corporate world.

The polarisation will happen in corporates too which leads to the need for organisations to be led by leaders who are connected and lead from the heart, embracing kindness and compassionate leadership, whilst utilising their business’ purpose as a vehicle to create better communities and ultimately a better world.

Her passion is in working with senior leaders who have the ability to make the shift real. She is often in the thick of conversations about the “Future of Work”, and finds herself asking “what does this really mean? Her take is that the success of the organisations of the future is integrally linked to their ability to embrace and champion the consciousness shift which is currently unfolding: a move towards connectedness and collaboration and away from separateness and selfishness. 
