Activating Your Ripple

An Online Program For Next Generation Leaders

Activate Your Ripple using New Earth Energetics to impact Your
Performance, Productivity + Inner Peace

Our 8-part live online programme, ‘Activating Your Ripple’, activates your connection into the New Earth energetic grid and launches a new way for you to work in a more easeful, productive and impactful way. 

This beautiful series offers leaders around the globe an opportunity to be part of a movement and to create a community to lead the way to create new corporate structures for the New Earth.

You’ll uncover the power of working from the New Earth energetic grid and the impact this has on your leadership potential, personal joy and productivity.

The reason our 'Activating Your Ripple' program is so hugely transformative and life changing is that it allows conscious leaders and entrepreneurs to activate their connection into the New Earth energetic grid.

Taking your cognitive mind on the journey of consciousness expansion is not only stimulating at an cerebral level, but it is a journey of exploring and getting to know frequencies in a different way.

We are frequency. Full stop. And truly understanding this knowledge gives your human the power to create, to let go and to catalyse your most profound impact. 

What are the benefits of having your connection to the New Earth Energetic Architecture activated?

  • Softening of limiting beliefs. Limiting beliefs are what has held humans - and in turn corporates - back for decades. Being attuned to higher frequencies offers a deconstruction of limiting beliefs which in turn super-charges your ability to create. 

  • Deeper level of understanding quantum physics. The world of energetics and the world of quantum physics are really one and the same. Understanding concepts such as time and space leads to new approaches to productivity and 'work'. It offers a tangible opportunity to increase productivity by taking 'inspired action', working around constructed 'corporate rules' in powerful and impactful ways. 

  • Higher frequency thought patterns. As your energy source is different, your thoughts and perspectives shift to reflect this more elevated energy. And as limiting beliefs are softened you are able to create 'the new' by questioning the status quo based on a higher perspective and consciousness. 

  • Improved mental and physical health and wellness. A deeper and more sustained level of attunement to higher frequencies offers great possibilities for your mental and physical health. When you are in alignment on a more sustained basis, you benefit from a higher level of energy and ability to listen to your body.

  • Understanding 'the rules of the universe'. An insight into quantum physics and the rules of the universe, leads to new approaches to relationships and specifically work dynamics. When you understand the power of intentionality, of managing energy and attuning to the New Earth's frequencies, you will attract and create different work and interpersonal relationships.

  • A new array of frequency tools to support you. After the connection you can learn to utilise these tools in your corporate, as well as your personal environments. 

  • The ability to truly lead from the heart. Being connected to the New Earth energetic grid offers direct access to our core frequency of love. When leading teams of humans, this is the most effective way of increasing employee engagement, spreading joy and demonstrating to others an example of what is possible when you are connected to Self. 

  • A deeper understanding of the abundance of the Universe. This in turn deconstructs notions of 'competition is good' and 'anxiety drives performance'. As you truly tap into the unlimited potential of the universe and its higher frequencies, you set this tone for corporations. Collaboration, kindness, and co-creation are natural consequences of this remembrance as there is no scarcity. Aligned humans are far more productive than fear-driven ones. 

  • Ease in all aspects of life. Ease is one of the main benefits of being connected to the New Earth grid. You will notice how things fall into place without effort. Your connection to your intuition is enhanced and this aligns life events in a perfect way. You will experience a higher awareness of creation and the power we have as humans to be the creators.

  • Clarity of Thought. A different energy source offers a different perspective and in turn greater clarity of thought. Corporate leaders and Entrepreneurs differentiate themselves from middle management by their ability to set a North Star and an enticing Vision for the teams they lead. Greater clarity of thought enhances innovative ideas, the courage to go where no one else has gone, and to be bold in ambitions whilst ensuring a kind and highly collaborative team culture. 

What You Will Receive

  • 8 bi-weekly sessions of 1-1.5hr duration

  • Energetic Attunements and Activations to connect you into the New Earth Energy Grid on a sustained basis

  • Access to Nanda and Maia for support during the program via whatapp and email, with a turnaround response time of 24hrs

  • Specialist insights into how leadership requirements are evolving, and the role highly conscious leaders play in co-creating this

  • The practical support of other powerful, highly conscious leaders to workshop and reflect this new experience together

Is This Program Right for Me?

This program is for you if:

  • You have a deep desire to work out how to access your next stage of energetic consciousness expansion

  • You know you have enormous potential to create change for the better within your organisation or community but you’re not sure how to bring about an impactful change

  • You have considered the role you play in the creation of your life and you know and accept that you are not a victim to any events or circumstances

This program is not for you if:

  • You are not comfortable being part of a small group discussion

  • You have deep rooted cynicism or distrust of the role energy plays in creating life outcomes

  • You do not believe you are sovereign over your own energy

Cost + To Apply

We intend for this program to connect with people who are vibrationally the right match so while there is no rigorous application process, we invite you to have a quick call with us to ensure this is the right experience for you.

The cost of the program is $5,000 USD per person
Our early adopters price is $4500 or three instalment payments of $1550 USD.
Phone: WhatsApp +44 (0)7871056363